Four Bb clarinets, Left to Right:

A reconstruction of an 1780's 5-key "Mozart" clarinet
An "Albert" system from c. 1900
A modern Boehm instrument, with aux. left-hand Ab/Eb key
The "Full-Boehm" model, with extension to low Eb.




Four more clarinets, Left to Right:

A reconstruction of an 18th-century baroque"Telemann" clarinet in D
An original 1802 "Beethoven" clarinet in C from London
An "Albert" system in C from c. 1900
A modern Boehm-system clarinet in high Eb





Keywork to the maximum: a "Romero-system" model
from the national Music Museum in Vermillion, South Dakota.



All material © Jay Easton 2001-2006 unless otherwise noted